The Stories We Grew Up On: Featuring Lottie Dowling
In honor of Children's Book Week, our Meg Team members are sharing the books and stories that impacted them as young readers!
For almost 80 years, the CBCA has been celebrating and commemorating the incredible impact and significance of children’s literature through a beloved one-week event known as Children’s Book Week. This year, the Meg Team takes a walk down memory lane, recalling the “Stories We Grew Up On.” These books and stories ignited our imaginations and left an everlasting impact.
Let’s start with Lottie Dowling, Meg’s Going Global Manager!
1. Lottie, what is a book, story, or series that impacted your life as a young reader?
Maui Myths and Legends, e.g. Maui Catches the Sun. Maui is the famous trickster of the Maori creation stories of NZ and these stories are a strong part of NZ culture.
2. Describe how you remember reading/being read this book, e.g. how did you “grow up on this book?”
Since I went to a Maori immersion kindergarten in NZ, I was especially exposed to traditional Maori legends. I really enjoyed Maui’s character as he was resourceful, cheeky and always getting up to mischief!
3. What is your favourite quote, image, or character from this book or story?
I will always remember being fascinated by Mahuika, the goddess of fire, who had fire for each fingernail and Maui tricked her into giving him all 10!
4. Did this book inspire you or impact you in any way?
When I had my own child I made sure we had Maui storybooks I could share with him to relive that magical experience of discovering those creation myths together so strongly tied to Maori, and NZ, culture.
5. Why do you recommend this book to others?
They are a wonderful way to connect with Maori, indigenous NZ culture, and a fun read with a cheeky, colourful main character!

Lottie Dowling is a Primary School trained educator who has worked in a number of education roles internationally for more than 20 years including state schools and international schools in London, China, and NZ. She has worked as a Drama and Literacy specialist, in ESL and EAL roles, and now specializes in Global Citizenship Education. She is currently the Manager of Going Global at Meg Languages.