How do I add Meg Languages to my School website?

Adding information about your Meg Languages program is a great way to inform current and prospective parents about how your school actively creates globally-minded students, primed for a wealth of international opportunities. Not only is it a selling point, but it confirms your school’s commitment to Global Citizenship.

Adding information about your Meg Languages program to your website is easy. If you’re the web administrator at your school keep reading, otherwise send them the link to this page and everything you need to know is below.

Example of Meg Languages information on a School website

Add using raw HTML code

For most schools, this is the simplest way to add information about your Meg Languages program to your website. Just download the file below and add it to your new web page.


Many modern websites are maintained using a site builder such as WordPress, Wix or Squarespace. If this is how you edit your website and you have limited knowledge of HTML, just create a new Page, Post or Section (dependant on the style of your website) and copy the text from the appropriate below which contains the Meg Language program information for school websites. Paste the text into your sitebuilder, format it to your style, then all you need to do is publish!

After publishing, double check the following:

Going Global with Meg Languages: Our Mandarin Program

Meg Languages are industry leaders in providing schools with Mandarin foreign language programs designed specifically to meet the needs of our school.
Using video conference technology, our students connect to a China-based language instructor who is broadcast into the classroom at the same times each week for live and interactive lessons.
The program is also supported by our classroom teachers who get to develop their own Mandarin skills while the students get the excitement of speaking Chinese to a native speaker, live from China.
The use of live video-conferencing technology also means our students are able to see the streets of China in real time and have important context around why they are learning the language.
The Meg program is designed to inspire our students and staff to become contributing Global Citizens.
Find out more

Going Global with Meg Languages: Our Spanish Program
Meg Languages are industry leaders in providing schools with Spanish foreign language programs designed specifically to meet the needs of our school.
Using video conference technology, our students connect to a Colombia-based language instructor who is broadcast into the classroom at the same times each week for live and interactive lessons.
The program is also supported by our classroom teachers who get to develop their own Spanish skills while the students get the excitement of speaking Spanish to a native speaker, live from Colombia.
The use of live video-conferencing technology also means our students are able to see the streets of Colombia in real time and have important context around why they are learning the language.
The Meg Languages program is designed to inspire our students and staff to become contributing Global Citizens.
Find out more

Going Global with Meg Languages: Our Language Program
Meg Languages are industry leaders in providing schools with foreign language programs designed specifically to meet the needs of our school.
Using video conference technology, our students connect to a China or Colombia-based language instructor who is broadcast into the classroom at the same times each week for live and interactive lessons.
The program is also supported by our classroom teachers who get to develop their own language skills while the students get the excitement of speaking to a native speaker, live from the other side of the world.
The use of live video-conferencing technology also means our students are able to see the streets of Beijing and Bogota in real time and have important context around why they are learning the language.
The Meg Languages program is designed to inspire our students and staff to become contributing Global Citizens.
Find out more



Meg has a team of experts happy to help! Just contact [email protected] and we will be more than happy to talk you through the process.